treat your trash

Our bags are made of compostable laminated film.

Each component of our bags - the film, the reclosable zipper, the compost sticker - is individually certified compostable. The main components of the bags are made with bio-resins and wood cellulose. Pouches are not made with GMOs, bisphenol (BPA), PFAS or phthalates. Bonus - they’re vegan!

They’re easier to compost than most packaging.

While these bad boys can be composted at your local commercial composting facility, they can also be composted at home once the label is removed. They’re non-toxic and won’t affect the health of your home compost. Speeds will vary.

And if you don’t have home compost…

We’ve included some local composting options below, or you can bring your packaging back to GBHQ and we’ll add it to our shop compost bin.

What certifications do they hold?

ASTM D6400 and EN13432. The certifications have been granted by BPI and Cedar Grove. The zipper is certified compostable by TUV. Learn more at Elevate Packaging.


No home compost? Find a local facility.

Subscribe to a weekly pickup of your household compost for a fee.

Drop off your compost to any center for free. Backyard bins are available for purchase.

Bring your compost to one of five locations for free.


Like other compostable packaging, our pouches will not compost in landfills. Please take the time to properly compost our packaging, and contact us if you have any questions. Remove label before composting.